Sat 16 March 2024
Spuiplein 150 Den Haag

According to philosopher Daniel Dennett, dreams are like cassette tapes that are inserted into our consciousness just before waking up. Composer Yannis Kyriakides borrowed this idea for his new work Hypnokaséta, written for the Montreal-based Quatuor Bozzini. This work for string quartet and electronics consists of sixteen movements, inspired by dreams Kyriakides had during the strange months of the first lockdown in 2020.

The Bozzinis are one of the finest ensembles in the world when it comes to new and experimental music for string quartet. In addition to Kyriakides’s latest, they also play compositions by two alumni of the Royal Conservatoire.

Joep Stapel spoke with Yannis about the piece Hypnokaséta. Yannis: “I dreamed a lot about composing: whether I would still have assignments, who I actually do it for, and why.Read the full interview here. 

Quatuor Bozzini

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