You will be introduced to a brand-new electronic instrument (Jan-Bas Bollen’s HyperTheremin), hacked household appliances (Hugo Morales), ‘traditional’ sound recordings (Jimena Maldonado) and four electro-acoustic ensemble pieces (Ensemble Resilience) – in an ever-varying interplay with the conventional sound world of strings, wind instruments and percussion.
“It has become impossible to imagine our lives without technology – or even our music, where electronically created sounds are the latest additions to broaden the palette. This edition shows the different ways in which today’s composers are able to utilise them: to raise current issues, to make a connection between tradition and the present, and also to take a look at the future.”, Isa Goldschmeding, artistic coordinator
At 5:45 pm there will be a Q &A in Club Korzo with musicians and composers
NB: location has changed