The Night of the Second The Hague School
Alejandro Castaños
Kate Moore
The Art of Levitation
Kate Moore
Kate Moore
Days and Nature
Oscar Bettison
O Death
Hugo Morales
Keir Neuringer
Elegy for the schoolboys at Ghazi Khan
Justin Christensen
Selfportrait, Reflection
Miguelángel Clerc
El oltro, el mismo (wereldpremière)
Carlos Iturralde
Vaccuum's Vessel
Andrew Hamilton
Product #1
John de Simone
Genevieve Murphy
Join in the promotion of the lonely presence (wereldpremière)
Missy Mazzoli
Like a miracle
Missy Mazzoli
A Song for Arthur Russell
Thomas Bensdorp
Drie Hollandse Scènes (wereldpremière)
Matthew Wright
Fast Gold Butterflies (wereldpremière)
Thomas Bensdorp
Family plot
Barbara Ellison
Underwater Phantoms
Maya Verlaak
Ensemble Klang / Ensemble Modelo62 / Christian Karlsen, dirigent / Kluster5 / New European Ensemble / a.o. / Catchpenny ensemble
Korzo will host The Night of the Second Hague School, and the entire theatre will be given over to dozens of musicians, performers and ensembles, performing in every nook and cranny, including the loading bays, concert halls, rehearsal studios and even in the office spaces. Concerts and happenings will include:
a portrait concert dedicated to Kate Moore with large ensemble pieces, New European Ensemble conducted by Christian Karlsen;
Ensemble Klang presents the long awaited revival of Oscar Bettison’s O Death and new works by Alejandro Castaños and Matt Wright;
Ensemble Modelo62 plays classic works by Hugo Morales, Keir Neuringer, Justin Christensen, Carlos Iturralde and premieres a new work by Miguelángel Clerc;
Kluster5 plays Andrew Hamilton, John de Simone and Genevieve Murphy;
Missy Mazzoli set with the Catchpenny Ensemble;
Thomas Bensdorp premieres his latest work Drie Hollandse scenes;
an excerpt from Roi Nachshon’s music theatre piece Wagen volgeladen;
Installations by Maya Verlaak, Thomas Bensdorp and Barbara Ellison.